Friday, March 1, 2013

Success of New Reading Program vs. 2011

After reflecting on this set of data, respond to the following questions in the comments box below.

- What do we know form looking at this data?
- What don't we know?
- What would we do?


  1. 1. Unit 2 needs to be reviewed. The sixth grade overall is weak. The 8th grade had an increase from Unit 3 to Unit 4.
    2. What are they assessing? Pre or post?
    3. Give pre- post- tests. Look at the actual test. Look at the curriculum to see if gaps? Look at the 4th, 5th and 6th grade scores leading in to these grade levels.

  2. It appears that Unit 2 was either very difficult or the skills and strategies were not presented, or something happened in the school during that time.

  3. What is in unit 2.? New program doesn't seem to be effective in any grade

  4. Overall improvement in 3 of the 4 units....Previous unit 2 instruction/program produced better results than new reading program.....Why?

    What are the differences in the programs?

  5. Is the program being implemented with fidelity in grade 6?

  6. We need to look at the lesson plans, walkthrough/observation data, and assessment data comparatively across the units to begin to understand what caused the problems in Unit 2.

    We don't know if the content of Unit 2 was a departure (perhaps in genre) from what had been done in the past. That unit had disappointing results across all grade levels.

    We don't know if there is a staffing issue related to the grade 6 performance.

    Is there vertical articulation across those grades in regard to the CCSS and this reading program?

  7. Program is not effective in unit 2 for any grade ? What is the unit about?

  8. That unit 2 saw a decrease in the average change in points.

    Overall score comparisons and which groups are being compared.

    Grade 6 looks like they are making least amt of progress. Review strategies.

  9. Unit two could be an issue with unfamiliar content or an issue at the school.

  10. Was the program effectively implemented? Fidelity of program implementation ....

  11. There doesnt seem to be continuity within the units. The results within units are inconsistent.

  12. In looking at the 6th grade scores, what was the 5th grade instruction and performence? Also, Unit 2 may have had test issues. Are there test design issues? Do the slo's align to the test?
